Spring Classes are now viewable! Check your GPS and update your Plan of Study on your Google Drive "Shared with Me". How to update it? Create a new tab by right clicking on the most recent tab, select Duplicate, rename it with the current date, and make your changes. It is your BEST resource for determining what you need to take and how to balance your requirements. Meet with an advisor to review your options and ensure you're on track!
Seniors in their graduating semester may carry less than 12 credit hours as long as they meet all their requirements. Seniors should register for all of the spring semester courses FIRST. Part -Time declarations must be made by the 6th class day via eform on insideND. Click this box for additional information. Note: Consideration for Dean’s List is only for those in 12 or more credit hours.
The Overload Approval eform may be submitted via eforms on insideND beginning AFTER ALL students have registered. A 3.4 GPA is the guideline we use in approving overloads unless it is for an SSLP or ROTC. Additional information may be found by choosing Overload Requests in the A to Z listing below (or clicking this box).
NO PINs are needed for Registration; however, check NOVO before registration time to see if you have any registration holds on your record that you must address.
All students must carry 12 credits to maintain full-time student status. The per semester credit max for sophomores is 17.5 credits; 19 for juniors or seniors. If you wish to take a heavier courseload, you must request and be approved for an overload. Submit the Overload Request eForm found on insideND eForms, which opens after first year students register.
Each department has specific reasons for requiring departmental approval on its courses. You must contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) from that Department to obtain approval. Contact info is always listed on their departmental webpage. Advisors in the Mendoza College of Business can help you understand the restrictions on Class Search but have no jurisdiction over non-business courses.
Understand that for most major level courses, majors receive first priority! If there are seats open after all majors register, you may make a seat request. Major level business courses are handled by the individual departments:
ACCT: Prof. Colleen Creighton (ccreight@nd.edu)
FIN: Prof. Jim Leady (jleady@nd.edu)
ITAO: Prof. Jen Waddell (jwaddell@nd.edu)
MARK: Prof. Mitchell Olsen (molsen2@nd.edu)
MGTO: Prof. Jennifer Cronin (jcronin5@nd.edu)
Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of the course listing on Class Search. Seats may be reserved for specific class years and/or majors. Also double check that you meet all the pre-requisites and/or have signed up for the necessary co-requisite. Keep in mind that only the department offering the course can release any of these restrictions to allow you to register. Mendoza Advisors do not have jurisdiction over non-Mendoza classes.
First, it is important to understand that individual professors do not control their section sizes. This is handled at the department level. Please do not waste your time and the professor's by contacting them directly. Typically, departments will authorize an overload into a closed section only if there are no other workable options to get the student a mix of classes that allows them to make adequate progress toward fulfilling graduation requirements. We will not overload sections to accommodate work or volunteer conflicts. Academics must come first. If you wish to discuss your request, the appropriate contact depends on the course:
1) If it is a core Sequence 2 or Sequence 3 BUSINESS course (i.e. everyone takes it regardless of major), reach out to an advisor in 101 Mendoza.
2) If it is a major level business course, those are handled by the individual departments:
ACCT: Prof. Colleen Creighton (ccreight@nd.edu)
FIN: Prof. Jim Leady (jleady@nd.edu)
ITAO (BAN majors): Prof. Jen Waddell (jwaddell@nd.edu)
MARK: Prof. Mitchell Olsen (molsen2@nd.edu)
MGTO (MGTC, SMGT majors): Prof. Jennifer Cronin (jcronin5@nd.edu)
3) If it is not a business course, you will need to reach out to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) for that department. The contact info is typically listed on their webpage.
A prerequisite is a requirement or prior condition that must be met before taking a course. Only the department offering the course is authorized to override a prerequisite. If you are missing a prerequisite for a business course, see an advisor in 101 Mendoza. Depending on the course, it may be possible to take the prerequisite concurrently with the course in question.
Specific course attributes are codes assigned to courses to flag them as being approved to meet certain University requirements. In NOVO and Class Search, you can search by course attribute to find classes that will fulfill your requirements such as 2nd THEO, 2nd PHIL or HIST. There are also business attributes that can make searching easier: Class of 2025: BA02 pulls all the courses in the sophomore sequence, BA03 pulls the core junior requirements and BAMC pulls ALL major-level courses in the College; Class of 2026 and beyond: BCOR pulls all the core curriculum courses, BBRD pulls all the business broadening, BAMC pulls all the major-level courses. These are helpful because all the courses appear in one listing regardless of discipline.
Courses carrying 3.0 or more credits may NOT be added after the sixth class day. If you would like to add a 1.0 or 1.5 credit class that has a later start date, you should initiate an eForm via insideND and/or see an advisor in 101 Mendoza. The last day to add each of these courses will be noted on Class Search, as will the drop date (which is the 60% completion point of each course and NOT the same as the drop date for a standard 3.0 credit course). Typically, students may not add these short courses if they will miss more than the first class of the session.
During the first six class days, students may drop a class through NOVO on insideND. When attempting to add and drop a course at the same time, we highly recommend checking the "Conditional Add and Drop" button at the bottom right corner of the screen prior to clicking Submit. This will protect your schedule in the event that the new course isn't added for any reason. After the sixth class day, students must use an eForm to drop a class. EForms are accessed through insideND by typing eforms into the search bar. We recommend you favorite the eform link for easy access.
Select the course you wish to drop from the drop down menu and note the reason for the drop in the required comments block. Once the eForm is submitted, it will electronically route to the department offering the class and then onto the student’s academic dean/advising office for approvals. If the drop is approved by all the reviewing offices, it is then routed to the Office of the Registrar to be processed. You will receive emails regarding the status of your form - pay attention as additional action on your part may be required.
The insideND eform is closed to students on the course discontinuance deadline of the semester. If wishing to drop a course that starts later in the semester (after the eForm has closed), students must meet with an advisor or email mendozaugradadvising@nd.edu to initiate the drop eform.
Keep in mind that all students, except those graduating seniors who have been approved as part-time, must carry at least 12 credit hours each semester. We recommend you meet with an advisor to discuss the impact the course drop will have on your current and future semesters.
1.5 credit business classes such as ITAO 30800 and MGTO 30120 must be dropped on or before 60% of the class sessions are completed. So the drop deadline is always prior to the 9th class session. Specific drop deadline dates can be found on NOVO in the Course Description.
Students can initiate an eForm (from insideND). For second half semester classes, the eForm is not available after the Friday after break week and you must see an advisor in 101 Mendoza or email mendozaugradadvising@nd.edu to initiate the eForm.
No, all business classes, even those beyond the requirements or outside your major, must be taken for a grade.
Juniors and seniors in the Mendoza College of Business may elect to take one elective course per semester on a pass/fail basis.
The following types of courses may NOT be taken pass/fail:
It is also important to note that only the first class toward a minor may be taken pass/fail.
Pass/fail requests must be submitted via insideND's eForms during the first six class days of the semester. We recommend attending the class first so you get a better idea of the grading system. Once processed, the decision to take a course pass/fail is irrevocable. Keep in mind that all students must carry 12 graded credit hours to be eligible for Dean’s List. Students are advised to check their Detailed Student Schedule through insideND on the 8th class day of the semester to ensure the Grade Mode for that class has been designated as pass/fail. Errors or omissions will not be corrected after the 2nd week of classes.
The instructor of the course will not be informed of your status and will grade all assignments and exams with standard letter grades. The Registrar will interpret the final grades of “A” through “D” as “PASS.” A failed pass/fail course will impact your term and cumulative GPA. Additional details are available on the pass/fail request form and should be read carefully prior to submitting the form. (Go to insideND eForms, click on the left sidebar "Create New Forms" and scroll down to Special Use Forms, select "Pass/Fail". Complete and submit.)
Students in the Mendoza College of Business are not restricted to a particular advisor. Students may meet with any available advisor or choose to work only with the advisor of his or her choice.
Students are assigned an Advisor of Record who is listed in their student academic file and on GPS. The Advisor of Record is largely an internal organizational structure and students are not restricted to seeing this advisor. To learn more about the staff in the Office of Undergraduate Studies, click here. While drop-in advising is available, it is recommended that you use the online scheduling available on your Student Dashboard.
We recommend you meet with your advisor on a regular basis – at least once per semester, based on your personal and academic goals. As those goals change, it is important that you have support and guidance to understand your options and make the best decisions. Key touch points include when planning for study abroad, major declaration and graduation checks.
The Registrar’s Office created a number of eForms which are housed on insideND and are used University-wide. (Look for the blue diamond icon or simply plug eform into the search bar). These include forms to add/drop a class after the 6th class day, obtain pre-approval for a summer transfer course and a Curriculum Change form to add or drop a major or minor. Not all forms can be initiated directly by a student depending on the timing. Contact an advisor if you have any questions.
These forms differ from the forms built into your Student Dashboard which are specifically for business students.
Currently, students in Mendoza graduating in the Class of 2024 and 2025, must have 128 credit hours to earn their BBA degree. The Class of 2026 and onward, must have at least 122 credit hours to earn their BBA degree. Use the Graduation Progress System (GPS) on insideND and the plan of study saved to your Google Drive under "Shared with Me" to track your requirements each semester. Keep in mind that only three credits deemed activity or experiential learning will be counted as degree seeking credits. See a complete list of courses subject to this limit here.
Yes. All Notre Dame students must achieve a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 in order to graduate. Additionally, business majors must achieve an average GPA of 2.0 within their selected major (this refers to the 19.5-21 credits specifically in your major and does not include College requirements). Both GPAs are calculated automatically on your GPS so be sure to check it regularly. Advisors regularly reach out to students who are in danger of not meeting these two requirements to discuss resources and strategies to help ensure you meet these requirements.
Available on insideND, the Graduation Progress System (or GPS as it’s more commonly known) tracks all your graduation requirements including University, College, Major and 2nd major or minor, if officially declared. It offers a What If? feature that helps you explore majors and minors you’re considering declaring and calculates your major GPA. We recommend you refer to it before registering to make sure you’re clear on your outstanding requirements and after registration to ensure your courses were properly categorized. Any discrepancies should be brought to the attention of an advisor for clarification and correction.
There are four key things to know about your elective requirements:
Exam conflicts include the following:
If your final exam schedule fits any of these scenarios, complete the Final Exam Conflict eform found on insideND, which opens after the 3cr. course drop deadline. This form must be submitted one full week prior to start of exams. The form will confirm that you do indeed have a legitimate conflict by highlighting the affected courses in red (no red = no conflict). You can start an eform to verify whether you have a conflict and see all your exam dates, times and locations in one place.
Our office will determine which class is required to provide a make up exam per the UG Academic Code Policy and email the impacted professor and student. Upon receipt of that email, it is the student's responsibility to make contact with the professor to schedule the date and time of the make up exam. If the eform does not indicate a conflict but you believe it is in error, you must meet with an advisor to discuss your situation.
Students who would like to transfer a course from another university must receive pre-approval from the appropriate academic department before doing so. A maximum of two courses (up to eight credits) may be taken at another school each summer. A grade of C or better must be earned in order to receive transfer credit for the course. The transfer course pre-approval form is available on the eForm link on your Student Academic Tab on insideND Students are responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals prior to leaving for the summer. Please note that all business courses must be taken at Notre Dame. It is also important to note that only the credits will transfer. The grade earned in a summer course does not get factored into your Notre Dame GPA. A new Registrar's Office Transfer Credit Search website is also available for reference.
Transcripts should be sent to:
Office of the Registrar
University of Notre Dame
300 Grace Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Yes, students may earn one (1.0) academic credit per summer internship to satisfy elective credit. Students are limited to earning internship credit three times (total of 3.0 credits). Please refer to the detailed explanation regarding internship credit which can be found here.
You may attend Notre Dame as a part-time student in your final semester only. Part-time is defined as less than than 12 credits being taken at the main campus. Make an appointment to see an advisor to discuss this option and its consequences. If you don’t feel you can successfully carry 12 credit hours and are ineligible to be part-time, please meet with an advisor to discuss a health withdrawal.
Dr. Gina Shropshire is the international student liaison for our office. Please refer all OPT/CPT questions to her at gshropsh@nd.edu.
Here's what the Academic Code says about interviews:
For all other absences to be excused under sections through, the student is responsible for providing satisfactory evidence to the instructor to substantiate the reason for missing class according to the following guidelines: A junior or senior with a mandatory admission interview for professional or graduate school, a post-graduate employment interview that cannot be rescheduled, or a presentation of original academic research that requires participation of external reviewers. Students requesting an excused absence under this provision must present documentation of the qualifying event to the student’s dean (or dean’s designee) at least one week prior to the anticipated absence. The dean (or dean’s designee) will determine whether the event qualifies for an excused absence and will notify the instructor(s) of the affected course(s). A student can request excused absences for no more than two class days per semester under this provision. Students are reminded that it is their responsibility to manage scheduling of such events to minimize class absences, and to use fall, Christmas, and spring breaks for scheduling interviews whenever possible.
The Office of Undergraduate Studies will have informational presentations. Attend one of these Info Sessions where a Mendoza Academic Advisor will be presenting Mendoza specific information. A helpful reference for you to use in updating your plan of study is this STUDY ABROAD COURSE GUIDE linked HERE. We also encourage you to attend Study Abroad Week events Sept. 23-26, as well as the several Study Abroad location-specific info sessions offered throughout the fall and read about location options on their website before finalizing your decision as to where to apply. More specific directions can be found on the Study Abroad page.
Sophomores will receive information in September regarding Study Abroad Info Sessions. Unless you have an interest in a very unique location or have multiple major/minor combinations, we ask that you do not request a meeting with an advisor until AFTER you have attended an Info Session. Most, if not all, of your questions will be answered during the session where we will walk you through the application process and the impact of studying abroad for a semester. Beforehand, please review the information on the Study Abroad website to help determine which programs you are most interested in.
Juniors who have been accepted into a program and are looking to have their courses pre-approved prior to departure should follow the directions noted here.
Business students may apply to most of the International Study programs depending on particular requirements of each location which are explained in detail on the Study Abroad website. There are no preferred business locations; our students have been approved to study in nearly every program available to business majors. Students are encouraged to explore a variety of study abroad locations based on their personal interests and goals.
Business students have participated in international year-long programs, however, it usually requires very stringent scheduling and possibly summer school to complete all requirements and graduate on time in 4 years. You will need to work closely with Dr. Gina Shropshire in the Office of Undergraduate Studies if you choose to apply for a full academic year.
You may apply for two international programs, however, you will only receive one acceptance. If you are open to fall and spring, that still only counts as ONE choice. After you have submitted all of your Study Abroad applications and the online application system closes, the Study Abroad Office will have you rank order your locations. Applications to summer programs are counted separately.
Each program has different requirements and restrictions. This information is available on the Study Abroad website. Regardless of the program requirements, students in the Mendoza College of Business must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above to receive Academic Advisor and Dean’s approvals. Fall grades will be factored into your CUM GPA when making these determinations.
This listing shows courses that have been approved in the past in each of the Notre Dame Study Abroad locations.
These lists are representative of available courses but are neither guaranteed nor exhaustive. You may revise your Plan of Study using these lists but understand that the courses are subject to change. Keep in mind that you do not need to list specific courses on your plan of study. It is sufficient to indicate that you will complete your 2nd THEO requirement, for instance. We do not need you to indicate the specific Theology course.
Required major-level business courses are not typically available. However, juniors majoring in FIN or MARK may take one major elective in their international semester if the course has been pre-approved and assigned an ND course number. For example, in Dublin there are several FIN major courses listed. Students may list one FIN major elective in their plans. International courses are listed with a “4” in the second digit, thus FIN 34220 is the equivalent of FIN 30220 (Macroeconomic Analysis).
Students with 2nd majors or minors should contact their departments to verify how many courses might count in any study abroad location.
Working with the Google Sheets plan that was reviewed by an advisor this summer, you will move most courses out of the semester you plan to study abroad. Before making any edits, start a new version: Right click on the tab with the most recent date, choose Duplicate to copy the existing plan to a new tab which you can then rename as INTL. The courses in your semester abroad may include University Requirements, business courses (where available), courses for your second major or minor, and electives. You do not have to list specific course titles or numbers unless there is a required course for that location.
Students should attend the Study Abroad Office's Information Sessions for the various locations so that you have a clear idea of what courses might be offered in your preferred location. Courses are not guaranteed. Before your semester abroad, you will again work with your Academic Advisor to fine tune the safest plan – one that allows you to take courses abroad and still graduate on time in 8 semesters.
Decisions are usually sent out in mid to late January from Notre Dame Study Abroad Office. Please direct all questions regarding international study decisions to Study Abroad at 574-631-1138.
Yes, you may apply to both semester and summer programs. These decisions are made independently of each other.
Notre Dame offers a variety of international study opportunities. If your initial application was not accepted and you are still interested in international study, you should contact the Notre Dame Study Abroad Office to learn about any additional international study programs that are still accepting applications.
Students have 2 options to apply to non-Notre Dame Study abroad programs.
No, all international classes must be taken for a grade.
Students are able to study abroad through another university during the summer. These courses are treated as transfer courses and students may receive academic credit for their courses as long as they meet our contact hour requirements and have been pre-approved by the relevant department. Students interested in this option should speak with an advisor to plan which courses to take and to begin the transfer course approval process via eforms.
Beginning with the students in the Class of 2024, business students will declare a business major when they confirm their college intent; before April of their first year.
Many resources and recommendations are available to you right on this website. You may also make an appointment to meet with your First Year Advisor for general guidance and referrals.
Mendoza College of Business students, beginning for the Year Group 2026, can now double major in any two business majors, excluding Business Analytics. Business courses outside your major may be taken with departmental approval on a space-available basis. All business students are also eligible for the minors in Real Estate and Innovation & Entrepreneurship. For more information, see the majors page of this website.
Although the College has imposed major enrollment limits in the past, as of Fall 2019, all business students are free to select their preferred business major without exception. Students may also subsequently change their business major so long as they can complete the requirements within the standard eight semester limit. We encourage students to utilize the discernment resources available to them, to ensure they make informed and intentional major selections.
Yes, students may change their business major at any time so long as they can reasonably complete the major requirements without exceeding eight semesters at Notre Dame. We recommend you meet with an advisor in 101 Mendoza for assistance in revising your plan of study and ensuring you understand all the implications of the change under consideration. The advisor will then submit the required form to effect the change.
In addition to choosing one of the five business majors, Mendoza students may elect to minor in Business and the Common Good, Business Technology & Analytics, Finance, Impact Consulting, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Marketing, or Real Estate. Students should keep in mind that pursuing a business-oriented minor may result in coursework beyond the standard graduation requirements due to the rule that 21 of your elective credits must be in non-business courses. For additional clarification, please meet with an advisor to review your plan of study.
Students are encouraged to first research the requirements of such an addition by running a What If? audit on your GPS and meeting with an advisor in the secondary department. If your reason for adding the second credential is job related, you might also wish to speak to a Career Center Counselor about the opportunities available to those majors and strategies to maximize your options. After doing this legwork, we recommend that you sit down with an MCOB advisor to determine how the course requirements will fit into your business curriculum.
See this page for additional guidance on choosing and declaring a second major or minor.
Students majoring in Marketing may elect to pursue one of four specialized tracks: (1) Marketing Decision Analytics to focus on marketing models and data analytics; (2) Brandscaping to focus on marketing communications, creativity and culture; (3) Market Development to focus on consulting, sales, and sales management; and (4) Graduate Study, appropriate for students interested in graduate school (e.g., PhD, JD, MBA). Each track consists of three recommended elective courses for depth, and a fourth elective selected from one of the other tracks for breadth. More detailed information is available here. Students are not required to pursue any of these tracks, and are thus free to choose elective courses consistent with their academic interests.
The Marketing major prepares students for a wide range of opportunities in business. The Marketing Decision Analytics track prepares students for careers in marketing & data analysis, marketing research, and retail consulting. The Brandscaping track prepares students for careers in brand management, advertising media planning, digital marketing analysis, and social media strategy. The Marketing Development track prepares students for careers in retail account management, digital marketing sales, and B2B technical sales. Each of these tracks also prepare you for a career in consulting. The Graduate School track should be self-designed to lead to a targeted graduate or law school. Marketing majors from each of these tracks are also increasingly employed by nonbusiness and nonprofit organizations—educational or art institutions, charitable organizations, and hospitals—as they realize the critical importance of marketing to their success.
FAQ1: Is taking courses within a track mandatory?
No, it is purely voluntary, and you can mix and match elective courses as you please.
FAQ2: Why do we have a track structure?
The track structure allows students to develop expertise and depth in a specific area.
FAQ3: Are tracks mentioned on the transcript?
No, tracks are not reported on the degree transcript in any fashion.
FAQ4: How will the tracks benefit a marketing student?
If you apply for a job that requires you to have depth in, say, Marketing Decision Analytics, and you have taken the electives within the track, you can list the track and the corresponding courses on your resume. You are more likely to be short-listed for job interviews for specific positions and industries (e.g., Marketing Analytics, Brand Management, Consulting etc.) if you show expertise by taking courses within a track. However, we strongly encourage students to take courses across multiple tracks to develop both breadth and depth in marketing.
FAQ5: Will tracks change?
By design, tracks will be configured to reflect the current trends in the marketplace and placement opportunities for our graduates.